
When Is the Best Time to Visit Broome?

Broome is ready for you all year round – both the wet and dry seasons have plenty on offer.

When should I go to Broome?

This is an excellent question — and we hear it often.

With its spectacular wilderness and charming character, the seaside town of Broome is a famed holiday destination. But it is important to understand the Broome seasons to make sure you enjoy your holiday experience to the fullest.

Here, we’ll explain the Broome seasons, cover the best time to visit Broome, and let you know what to expect for Broome weather so you can plan an unforgettable trip.

An Overview of Broome Seasons

Wondering what the weather is like in Broome? You really only need to know the two main Broome Seasons: Wet and Dry.

Located in the far northern portion of Western Australia, Broome experiences a mostly tropical climate that includes soaring temperatures, high humidity, and periods of heavy rainfall.

  • Broome Temperatures — Broome is one of the hottest tourist destinations in all of Australia, with a yearly average maximum temperature of 32.2°C (90°F). Even the average minimum temperature — 21.2°C (70.2°F) — is quite hot!Don’t let the sweltering temps fool you. During the colder months, temperatures can drop a surprising amount, with 3.3°C (37.9°F) being the coldest temperature on record.
  • Broome Rainfall — Rainfall in Broome is wildly unpredictable during the wet season, but it generally falls in line with typical tropical climates. Most often, January through March are the rainiest months, often accounting for the majority of the year’s rainfall.
  • Broome Wet Season — The wet season in Broome falls from March to April through September. Expect sweltering conditions during the wet season due to the extreme humidity levels. The wet season also sees torrential downpours that can seemingly appear out of nowhere.
  • Broome Dry Season — From May until October, Broome’s dry season brings sunny blue-sky days, lower humidity levels, cooler nights, and ideal daytime temperatures for enjoying Broome’s endless natural beauty.

Broome Seasons: Wet vs. Dry

Dry Season – May to October

Dry season in Broome — May to October – is peak tourist time due to the ample sunshine, minimal rain, cooler nighttime temperatures, and gorgeous daytime temperatures of around mid 20’s to low 30’s.

Broome’s dry season often includes clear blue skies with only the rare passing cloud, offering perfect hiking, exploring, and swimming weather during the day and ideal stargazing at night.

Wet Season – November to April

Wet season in Broome is the off-peak season, with heavy and sudden downpours and unpredictable weather. Although the wet season draws fewer crowds, be prepared for the possibility of stifling humidity and surprise downpours, especially during the monsoon season from January to March.

While the soaring humidity and wild weather patterns drive many people away, some tourists flock to see the mind-blowing flashes of lightning during tropical storms.

Bear in mind that many Broome hotels, accommodations, and tours are closed during the wet season due to impassable roads and local flooding.

When Is the Best Time to Visit Broome?

Broome features year-round entertainment, but the dry season offers the best chance to fully enjoy everything the area has to offer — especially if you love the outdoors.

Here are some of the top reasons we recommend May to October as the best time to visit Broome.

1. Ideal Weather

With warm, sunny days, clear skies, and low humidity, May to October is the best time to visit Broome. Following the cold, rainy stretch of the wet season, the Yawuru people refer to the dry season as Wirlburu, or the ‘warming up season’.

Expect ideal temperatures for swimming, relaxing seaside, hiking, adventuring, outdoor dining, exploring, paddleboarding, and sunset beach strolls. Broome sunsets are always an experience of a lifetime, but they are especially stunning during the end of the dry season. As massive cumulonimbus clouds move in prior to Broome’s wet season, expect dramatic, colourful sunsets that will rival anything you’ve seen before.

2. Take Part in Local Festivals and Celebrations

Experience Broome’s unique history and culture by taking part in a variety of local festivals and celebrations between May to October including:

  • JuneThe Broome Fringe Festival highlights local artists and musicians with a wide variety of workshops and performances over 10 days.
  • August to September (check for exact dates) — The annual Festival of the Pearl, or Shinju Matsuri, marks the end of the pearl harvesting season and features music events, performances, art exhibits, gourmet dining, and fun celebratory activities.Learn about Broome’s unique heritage and celebrate the Indigenous Australian, Chinese, Malaysian, and Japanese cultures that helped pioneer Broome’s pearl industry.

3. Enjoy the Water

While our infinity pool offers unmatched views and a relaxing atmosphere, we understand if the waters of the Indian Ocean are calling you. If ocean swimming is a priority, August and September are ideal swimming months in Broome.

Eco Beach Resort is typically a safe place to swim, but any swimming in Australia includes a range of conditions and a rich array of marine life that requires cautionary measures. Bonus: Marine stingers are generally not present between May and October!

Want to enjoy the ocean without being in it? Catch the sun dipping below the horizon as you relax on the beach, enjoy a wildlife cruise, or book a guided fishing tour.

4. Humpback Whale Watching

If your holiday dream is to catch a glimpse of the majestic Humpback Whales that call the waters of the Indian Ocean home, June to September is the best time! During whale watching season in Broome, we highly recommended Karma IV whale watching charters.

5. Experience the Staircase to the Moon

If you are looking for an unforgettable holiday experience, the dry season in Broome is the time to visit! Between April and October, head out at low tide to Roebuck Bay during the full moon to experience the natural phenomenon known as “the staircase to the moon”.

During the full moon and low tide, the moonlight reflects off of the exposed tidal flats,
making it seem as if there is an illuminated staircase reaching to the moon.

While the staircase to the moon cannot be seen directly from our resort, Eco Beach offers views of the full moon rising above the bush plains of Yardogarra country. The dry season’s clear skies and the remote surroundings also offer the chance to stare in awe at the strikingly bright stars.

6. Check out Broome’s Night Markets

From June to September, the Town Beach holds night markets every Thursday. Enjoy live music, street vendors with locally made goods, delicious food, and a lively, welcoming atmosphere.

Plan Your Broome Eco-Retreat

Broome is known for its spectacular sunsets, warm temperatures, breathtaking terrain, and world class beaches. With untouched wilderness to explore and endless ways to relax, Broome holidays are the chance of a lifetime.

We hope this article helped explain when is the best time to visit Broome. While Broom’s quaint seaside town is a popular visitor destination year round, it is important to understand the wet and dry seasons so you can plan accordingly.

If you have more questions about Broome seasons, what to do in Broome, or need help planning your holiday experience, our caring staff is happy to help! Contact us today to start planning your dream Broome holiday.

Karl Plunkett

Owner of Eco Beach Resort
In 1999, Karl Plunkett, an enterprising innovator, envisioned and brought to life Eco Beach Resort. His aim was to provide travellers with novel experiences, an opportunity to rediscover their connection with nature, and wholeheartedly embrace the vibrant world surrounding them. While Karl had already achieved success with several sustainable glamping hotspots, Eco Beach Resort stood out as a distinctive and unparalleled offering.

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