
A Guide to Broome’s Cultural and Aboriginal Experiences

Camel ride, sunset, Cable Beach.

Ngaji gurrjin (hello and welcome)!

With a tropical climate, vast wilderness, and picturesque coastline, it’s no surprise that Broome has gained fame as a top holiday destination.

Along with its awe-inspiring terrain and charming character, Broome is known for its rich history and diverse culture.

If you’re planning a visit and deciding on the best things to do in Broome, be sure to include Aboriginal experiences as part of your stay.

We’ve put together a guide to art, locations, and tours linked to Yawuru culture so you can immerse yourself in Broome’s aboriginal history during your holiday.


A Brief Cultural History of Broome

The Yawuru people are the traditional owners and custodians of the lands and waters in and around Broome. Long before Eco Beach, the Yawuru Aborigines inhabited the Kimberley wilderness and coast, subsisting on abundant ocean resources, including turtles, oysters, dugongs, and fish.

For over a century, the area surrounding Eco Beach has been pastoralist land. Eco Beach Resort is committed to respecting, preserving, and supporting Aboriginal history and local Indigenous culture.

We do this through various environmentally friendly initiatives, educational efforts, and our pursuit of sustainable tourism.

Along with reducing the impact of travel on the environment, sustainable tourism focuses on supporting local communities and honouring the Yawuru culture and history.


A Guide to Aboriginal Experiences in Broome

With a variety of First Nations-led tourism businesses throughout the region, there are many places to visit and tours to partake in to help visitors understand the deep spiritual connection the Indigenous community has to this special land.

In the region, around 40% of the population is First Nations people, with each group having its unique heritage.

Here are some of the best Aboriginal experiences and tours to explore during your Broome holiday.

Led by authentic Aboriginal operators and tour guides, you’ll discover Broome’s rich history and gain respect for the local Yawuru culture.


Rock Art Tours With Traditional Owners and Custodians

The Kimberley is home to authentic Aboriginal art and some of the world’s oldest rock art sites.

Exploring rock art and spiritual sites with an authentic Aboriginal tourism operator or guide is one of the best ways to experience Kimberley’s intriguing history and culture.

You can view rock art sites on self-guided tours or book a First Nations experience with an Aboriginal guide, artist, or musician to immerse yourself in Broome’s ancient history.

  • The Mitchell Plateau / Munurru (King Edward River) Art Site ToursThe Mitchell Plateau features wonderful examples of Kimberley rock art traditions. Book a guided tour with the Unuguu Rangers and traditional owners at Ngauwudu (Mitchell Plateau) to experience the Wandijina and Bradshaw traditions at the Munurru art site and hear cultural stories. Additional rock art sites can be viewed along the walking route to Mitchell Falls, or by driving to Surveyors Pool. Visitors can also do a self-guided walk or tour at Kalumburu Community.
  • The Kimberley CoastSeveral rock art sites can be experienced along the Kimberley coastline. Book a guided tour to view secluded rock art sites at locations such as Eagle Falls, Raft Point, and Vensittart Bay.
  • Girloorloo Tours Mimbi Caves — Join Gooniyandi guides on a guided tour of one of the most significant geological sites in Australia, the Mimbi Caves. Book a guided tour to view the breathtaking limestone formations and pristine freshwater pools that attract geologists and visitors from around the world. Marvel at the brilliant limestone formations as you learn about the strong spiritual connection the Gooniyandi people share with the Mimbi Caves and the surrounding country.
  • Gibb River RoadRock art may be seen along Gibb River Road along the bush walk tracks leading to the gorges. Sites include Adcock Gorge, Manning Gorge, Galvans Gorge, and other locations. Visitors can also head further inland to Tunnel Creek to experience rock art.

Note: When visiting rock art sites, be sure you have the correct visitor permits. If you book a tour, your tour operator will obtain the necessary permits on your behalf.

When exploring a rock art site, practice respect by sticking to any marked walkways, taking only memories with you, and leaving no trace of your visit. In tight spaces, take care to avoid brushing any solid items (bags, backpacks, cameras, etc.) against the walls.

4WD passing, Gibb River Road.


Cable Beach Cultural Talk

With cultural tour guides in a relaxed setting, visitors can enjoy a unique storytelling experience focused on honouring the local culture.

The Cable Beach Cultural Talk experience includes:

  • An introduction to Aboriginal history, country, and culture
  • Authentic stories and lessons shared by a local Aboriginal guide
  • An explanation of our “Connection to Country” and spiritual connection to the land
  • A guide to traditional Aboriginal lifestyle and ancient knowledge of the local seasons
  • Demonstrations through song performance using traditional instruments, such as the kullie
  • Possible revealing of the Cable Beach Dinosaur Track location, depending on the tide


The Broome Historical Museum

For a better look at the area’s unique local history and a deeper appreciation of the Yawuru culture, check out the Broome Historical Museum.

With a wide variety of artifacts, pearling memorabilia, guided tours, and educational exhibitions, this museum offers a fascinating look into Broome’s past. Run by volunteers, the Broome Historical Museum is worth setting aside time for on your getaway and makes a great family activity.

The Annual Festival of the Pearl

Typically hosted in August or September, the Annual Festival of the Pearl (Shinju Matsuri) is a celebration marking the end of the pearl harvesting season.

With performances, live music, art exhibits, celebratory activities, and gourmet dining, this festival is fun for the whole family and a great way to learn more about Broome’s rich heritage. Discover more about Broome’s history and learn about the Indigenous Australian, Chinese, Malaysian, and Japanese cultures that shaped the pearling industry.

Aboriginal Art Galleries

Home to nationally and internationally acclaimed artists, Broome features a variety of traditional Aboriginal art galleries. Many of Broome’s art galleries are home to authentic Aboriginal art, Indigenous crafts, and locally made textiles.

You can also book a tour with Waringarri Arts to learn about authentic art, experience Aboriginal culture, and view artists at work.


Kimberley Cultural Tours

Visit local Broome land­marks, the coast­line and the sur­round­ing bush with a local Indigenous guide, Robert Dann.

Travel in a comfortable, air-conditioned bus as you spend three hours experiencing the sights, sounds, tastes, and stories of the Kimberley and viewing Indigenous artifacts. This hands-on tour covers local Abo­rig­i­nal history, pearling history, local bush foods, and cultural history.

Ready to Book Your Broome Getaway?

Take a step back in time during your trip to Broome and gain an appreciation of its amazing history by booking an Aboriginal experience or visiting a Broome art gallery or museum as part of your holiday.

If you have questions about Aboriginal art, locations, and tours linked to Yawuru culture, please feel free to reach out to our caring, knowledgeable team to learn more. We can guide you to additional resources for booking or answer your questions.

Our team is dedicated to helping you experience your dream Broome getaway and we are happy to assist you during your planning process.

Tiki Plunkett

Sales & Marketing Specialist
With a family background in hospitality, Tiki's passion lies in resort life. Immersed in hospitality from a young age, she understands guests' desires for relaxation and adventure. Tiki's innovative glamping tenure blends nature's beauty with comfort. She's dedicated to a sustainable future for hospitality, preserving locations like Broome for generations to come.

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