
Hiking Trails around the Kimberley & Broome

Hiking in the Kimberley region of Western Australia offers stunning landscapes, rugged terrain, and unique wildlife.

The beauty of the Kimberley wilderness region is unmatched & heading out for a hike is one of the best ways to challenge your body and connect with the earth.

With expansive wilderness areas, intricate rock formations, and striking gorges, Kimberley’s ancient landscape offers some of the most memorable hiking experiences on the planet.

Here, we’ll cover some of the best hikes around Broome and the Kimberley so you can make sure you don’t miss any of these amazing trails.

Short Hikes in Broome and the Kimberley

Oxers Lookout

  • Distance: 0.5 km
  • Time: Half an hour
  • Recommended Ages: All ages
  • Location: Weano Carpark in Karijini National Park
  • Difficulty Rating: Easy

This hike may be short but it doesn’t disappoint! The short trail leads you to Oxers Lookout, which boasts some of the most stunning scenery on our list.

View sheer cliffs that plunge sharply, disappearing hundreds of feet to the gorge floor below. You’ll be thankful for the safety railings here as you peer cautiously over the edge.

The Domes

  • Distance: 0.7 km
  • Time: Under an hour
  • Recommended Ages: All ages
  • Location: Piccnininny Gorge car park, Purnululu National Park
  • Difficulty Rating: Easy

With some of the most impressive, unique geological formations in Australia, The Domes is a must-see location.

Here, view towering domes that look more like beehives than rock formations. Featuring layers upon layers of red bands of oxidised iron, vibrant colours will surround you for this entire hike.

Take note that Purnululu National Park is only open during the dry season or Australia’s winter months (May to October).

The Pindal Trail at the Broome Bird Observatory

  • Distance: 1.2 kilometres
  • Time: Plan for 30 minutes to an hour as the trail itself is short but you’ll likely be stopping along the way to take in the sights
  • Recommended Ages: Perfect for all ages!
  • Location: 10 km from Broome (see directions here)
  • Difficulty Rating: Easy

Head to The Broome Bird Observatory to hike a flat, easy 1.2 km loop and get a chance to spot some of the hundreds of different bird species that call Broome home. Take in the soaring views of Roebuck Bay and feel free to ask volunteers about what birds to look for – they’ll be happy to tell you!

You can also check out the 1.7-kilometre Spinifex trail to watch for various bird species depending on the season.

Reddell Beach

  • Distance: 1.7 km
  • Time: 45 minutes to an hour
  • Recommended Ages: Best for ages 7 and up, not pram-friendly
  • Location: Car Park 3, Kavite Road (this road is unsealed but a 2WD vehicle is usually fine as long as there hasn’t been heavy rain), 15 min drive from Broome
  • Difficulty Rating: Easy (however, access to the beach requires a vehicle)

Reddell Beach (or Riddell Beach) is one of Broome’s hidden gems that is worth the extra effort to get to. Although it isn’t far from Broome’s city centre, it is only reachable via an unsealed road. Drive slowly and with care.

There is no formal access here, so you’ll need to park and head to the beach from there. Then, prepare yourself for 1.7 kilometres of vibrant colours and stunning scenery as you stroll the coastline.

This hike is beautiful no matter the time of day, but I recommend checking it out in the late afternoon once the sun starts dropping. The vibrant red pindan cliffs take on a fiery red-orange glow in the light of the setting sun.

Tips for enjoying Reddell Beach:

  • Know the tides and check the local weather forecast before heading out
  • Pack enough water
  • Bring some snacks (there are no facilities here, so come prepared)
  • The water here is some of the most vibrant blue water you’ll ever see, so bring your suit and towel for a quick dip!
  • See our hiking essentials checklist further down for additional items to bring
  • Wear sturdy waterproof shoes as there are areas of rocky shoreline and rock pools you’ll want to navigate and explore

Reddell Beach (or Riddell Beach) is one of Broome’s hidden gems that is worth the extra effort to get to.

Medium Hikes in Broome and the Kimberley

Handrail Pool, Weano Gorge

  • Distance: 1.5 km
  • Time: 1 to 3 hours
  • Recommended Ages: This depends on your child’s skills and your comfort level, but generally ages 10+ (although hikers with small kiddos can stick to the easier trails near the top of the gorge)
  • Location: Weano Gorge, Karijini NP, follow the ‘Lower Weano Trail’, north of the information shelter at the Weano carpark
  • Difficulty Rating: Easy at the start but moderate to difficult as you approach the narrow paths and boulders near Handrail Pool

This beautiful hike isn’t particularly long but it will take more time due to its moderate difficulty in certain areas. There are easier routes near the top of the gorge, but I recommend rewarding yourself with the challenge of the Handrail Pool trail.

Be prepared to carefully navigate steep descents, boulders, and narrow walking paths to get down into Handrail Pool, one of Karijini National Park’s most breathtaking gorges.

Once you make the descent, you can immerse yourself in the water of Handrail Pool, surrounded by towering rocks and vibrant red and yellow stones. Surreal and otherworldly are the best terms to describe the experience that awaits you here!

Gerliwany-gerring Banan Trail, Mirima National Park

  • Distance: 2 km
  • Time: Less than an hour
  • Recommended Ages: All ages but especially ages 7+ — this is a good hike for little ones who are building up their hiking skills
  • Location: Mirima NP car park, 2 km out of Kununurra
  • Difficulty Rating: Easy

Expect vibrant rock formations and abundant wildlife on this beautiful hike through Savanna woodland. Watch for a variety of birds, along with wallabies, as you follow this 2-kilometre round-trip trail.

Throughout the trail, stop to read the interpretive signage to learn more about the park’s history and its importance to the local Miriuwung people.

Bagul Bagul Mangroves Tour

  • Distance: 2 km
  • Time: Two-hour guided walk through mangroves and mudflats
  • Recommended Ages: Generally ages 7+
  • Location: Contact the Broome Visitor Centre or check here for additional info
  • Difficulty Rating: Moderate

This two-hour walk led by Yawuru guide Bart Pigram dives into Indigenous culture, the local ecosystem, and Broome history. This tour only runs when the hidden secrets of the mangrove ecosystem are revealed at low tide.

Keep an eye out for mud crabs, rock oysters, mudskippers, crustaceans, turtles, and maybe even a glimpse of a saltwater crocodile!

It is recommended to bring a sunhat, water, and insect repellent for this adventure. Reef shoes are provided when you book a tour.

The Paradise Pool Trail

  • Distance: 2.4 km
  • Time: Under an hour
  • Recommended Ages: Suitable for most ages
  • Location: Mount Charnley Station office, 300 km east of Derby
  • Difficulty Rating: Moderate (Rated as Grade 3, suitable for most ages and fitness levels)

This 2.4 km trail, a favourite among bird watchers, follows a creek and leads to a lovely rock pool at the end. Along the way, view beautiful rock formations and watch for vibrantly coloured kingfishers, local vegetation, and a variety of bird species.

Town Beach to Chinatown

  • Distance: 2.5 km
  • Time: 2 hours to half a day, depending on how long you want to explore
  • Recommended Ages: All ages
  • Location: Near the cul-de-sac end of Robinson Street
  • Difficulty Rating: Easy

At 2.5 km, the actual hiking distance isn’t too far, but I do recommend setting aside at least half a day for exploring. This Broome trail is extremely family-friendly, with wide paths for walking a pram, and a play park for kids.

Stroll from Town Beach to Chinatown and plan plenty of time to explore all the interesting stops along the way. Sites include the Pioneer Cemetery, the Broome Museum, and various sculptures, memorials, and cafés. Learn about Broome’s fascinating history and pearling culture as you make your way to Chinatown.

Town Beach is a popular destination in Broome, a town in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Long Hikes in Broome and the Kimberley

Chichester Range Camel Trail

  • Distance: 8 km (one way) or 16 km (return)
  • Time: 3 hours one way or 6 hours return
  • Recommended Ages: 11+ (bushwalking experience recommended)
  • Location: Python Pool Carpark, Millstream-Chichester National Park, 2 hours from Karratha
  • Difficulty Rating: Moderate to hard, bushwalking experience recommended, expect steep paths in some areas

Expect stunning landscapes all around you, scenic swimming in Python Pool, and spectacular vistas throughout this hike. Be prepared to tackle natural obstacles, loose rocks, and steep slopes in some areas.

To hike the one-way walk, start at Mount Herbert and arrange for a vehicle to meet you at Python Pool. If completing the return walk, begin at Python Pool. Or, go on a full-on adventure and hike the entire 16 km loop.

Either way, this is a long, challenging hike, so I recommend doing this one in the cooler months or at least in the mornings to avoid the scorching afternoon heat. Bring LOTS of water for this hike and be prepared with proper hiking gear.

Eco Beach Caves Walk

  • Length: 8.5 km
  • Time: About an hour and 45 minutes
  • Recommended Ages: Best suited to kids age 7+. Kids love exploring the caves and being near the water!
  • Location: Exclusive access from Eco Beach Resort
  • Difficulty Rating: Easy

The Eco Beach Caves walk is reserved for our guests, so it’s a great option if you are looking for seclusion and peace away from crowds. This out-and-back trail is mostly an easy hike, covering about 8.5 km of leisurely beach walking.

Follow along the Kimberley coast and explore the stunning cave outcroppings at low tide. The spectacular rock features, the sounds of the waves lapping at the shoreline, and the endless sky will leave you feeling completely rejuvenated by the end of this hike.

Minyirr Park

  • Distance: Up to 10.8 km
  • Time: Anywhere from 30 minutes to 2+ hours
  • Recommended Ages: All ages! Take note, however, that it is not a pram-friendly trail
  • Location: Broome
  • Difficulty Rating: Easy

Minyirr Park is rich in local Indigenous history and full of wildlife. With three trails to choose from, you can hike for as little as 30 minutes or make a half day out of it and hike all three of the trails.

Depending on the route you choose, expect to explore dunes while watching for native flora and fauna, including snakes, ghost crabs, lizards, and maybe even a red-winged parrot.

Hiking Checklist — Important Gear to Bring

If you are heading out for a day of hiking in the Kimberley region, you’ll be awe-struck by the vast stretches of wilderness. But as beautiful as our area is, it is also notoriously unforgiving.

Even if you are planning a short, easy hike, I recommend being prepared with the following hiking essentials:

  • Sturdy hiking boots with good grip (bonus points if they are waterproof)
  • Comfortable clothes
  • Laminated map
  • Heavy-duty water bottles with an adequate water supply (learn more here from Bushwalk Australia)
  • Compass
  • Sun protection, including water-resistant sunscreen, sun-protective clothing, sunglasses, and wide-brimmed sun hat
  • Snacks (granola bars, trail mix, freeze-dried fruit, etc.)
  • Watch
  • Compact torch
  • Whistle
  • Basic first aid kit
  • Survival kit
  • Pocket knife
  • Notepad and pencil
  • Matches or flint/steel
  • Satellite phone
  • Toilet paper and trowel

Before heading out on any hike, I highly recommend checking Trails WA. This site offers detailed info on each hiking trail, including estimated time and length and information on current closures.

Also, take note that the recommended ages in this list are just for reference. Ultimately, you know your family and their abilities best. Always hike with proper preparations and research routes in advance to make sure you are aware of what terrain to expect.

Carry enough water for your hike, as water sources may be limited. Pack sufficient food, camping gear, and any other essentials for a self-sufficient journey.

Eco Beach Resort — Your Base to Reset and Recharge After an Invigorating Day of Hiking

I love the feeling of tired muscles and lungs full of fresh air after a day of hiking in the Kimberley region.

Eco Beach Resort is your luxury base to come back after an exciting day of hiking and exploring. Rest your sore muscles and soak in that amazing feeling you get after an active day in nature by enjoying a gourmet meal or booking a spa experience.

Tiki Plunkett

Sales & Marketing Specialist
With a family background in hospitality, Tiki's passion lies in resort life. Immersed in hospitality from a young age, she understands guests' desires for relaxation and adventure. Tiki's innovative glamping tenure blends nature's beauty with comfort. She's dedicated to a sustainable future for hospitality, preserving locations like Broome for generations to come.

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